Alfalfa (multiple exposures) Aloe Vera (Medicine Plant) Amarylillis Apple (seeds) Apple Leaf Croton Apricot (pit) Asparagus Fern Autumn Crocus Avacado (fruit and pit) Azalea Baby's Breath Bittersweet Bird of Paradise Branching Ivy Buckey Buddist Pine Caladium Calla Lily Castor Bean Ceriman Charming Dieffenbachia Cherry (seeds and wilting leaves) Chinese Evergreen Christmas Rose Cineraria Clematis Cordatum Corn Plant Cornstalk Plant Croton Cuban Laurel Cutleaf Philodendron Cycads Cyclamen Daffodil Devil's Ivy Dieffenbachia Dracaena Palm Dragon Tree Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia) Easter Lily (especially cats!!) Elaine Elephant Ears Emerald Feather English Ivy Fiddle-leaf fig Florida Beauty Foxglove Fruit Salad Plant Geranium German Ivy Giant Dumb Cane Glacier Ivy Gold Dieffenbachia Gold Dust Dracaena Golden Pothos
Hahn's Self-Branching Ivy Heartland Philodendron Hurricane Plant Indian Rubber Plant Janet Craig Dracaena Japanese Show Lily (especially cats !!) Jeusalem Cherry Kalanchoe (Panda Bear Plant) Lacy Tree Philodendron Lily of the Valley Mother-in Law's Tongue Madagascar Dragon Tree Marble Queen Marijuana Mexican Breadfruit Miniature Croton Mistletoe Morning Glory Narcissus Needlepoint Ivy Nephytis Nightshade Oleander Onion Oriental Lily (especially cats!!) Peace Lily Peach (wilting leaves and pits) Pencil Cactus Plumosa Fern Poinsettia (low toxicity) Poison Ivy Poison Oak Pothos Potato Plant (green fruit, stem and leaves) Precatory Bean Primrose (Primula) Red Emerald Red Princess Red-Margined Dracaena Rhododendron Ribbon Plant Saddle Leaf Philodendron Sago Palm Satin Pothos Schefflera Silver Pothos Spotted Dumb Cane String of Pearls Striped Dracaena Sweetheart Ivy Swiss Cheese Plant Taro Vine Tiger Lily (especially cats!!) Tomato Plant (green fruit, stem and leaves) Tree Philodendron Tropic Snow Dieffenbachia Weeping Fig Yew
* please note: this list is not all inclusive
The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, an operating division of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), is the only animal-oriented poison control center in North America. It is a unique, emergency hotline, providing 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week telephone assistance. The Center's hotline veterinarians can quickly answer questions about toxic chemicals, dangerous plants, products or substances found in our everyday surroundings that can prove poisonous or fatal to animals.
ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center 1-888-4-ANI-HELP